Sunday, May 18, 2008

Our recent Houston vacation

Having dinner with Denis at Pappas Seafood; great stuff!

Gene with Jeff in Jeff's studio at U of H.

Ah Ninfa's, one of Dad's college restaurant hangouts!

At Pier ?? on Galveston's Port enjoying our G and T's!

No, we didn't just eat on this trip; it just seems like it :)! This is on Galveston's Seawall; a popular seafood joint.

Watch out! You're gonna get blasted by 2 babes on the Battleship Texas!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Christmas time!

Dad and Mag playing at G'ma/G'pa's for Xmas; just goofin' and having a good time!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Millard Days Parade

Maggie's high school band at Millard Days Parade 8/25/07

Third from the right is Maggie

There they go!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sewer Repair Job '07

Our abode 'before'


they were gone in a flash!

more diggin'

'finished' product; more pixes to follow showing landscaping

Camping in the Snowy Range, WY, '07



Setting up the tent

Snowy Range

Lookout Lake

On the trail

Lunch on the trail

Smores at campsite

Neighborhood moose


Janet & Maggie resting

Maggie Hiking

One of many lakes on the trail

Janet & Maggie in front of Medicine Bow

After our 3rd? hike

Morning campsite; the picture probably doesn't provide the sense of calm, quiet, and coolness of this beautiful mountain morning! But trust me, it was great to awaken to lows in the upper 30's; it made fresh camp coffee all the more inviting!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

8th Grade Graduation

Well, our little girl graduated from 8th grade at Kiewit Middle School and will be going to Millard North next fall as a freshman. My, how time has flown.

Here's some pictures to share with you.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Welcome to our blog! Here are some pictures I wanted to share about Maggie's latest adventure. She grew her hair out so she could donate it to Locks of Love. The big haircut was yesterday, and here is the proof.